Tuesday 31 January 2012

My Day and Night Perfumes

Hi Everyone!

I feel that no outfit is complete without a splash of your favourite perfume, so I thought I'd share with you my staple perfumes for day and night..even if I'm having one of those days where just nothing looks right or my makeup smudges etc, I can always count on my trusty perfumes to freshen me up! So without further ado..

Let's start with day perfume...my relatively new favourite! It's replaced my old fave which is 'Malabah' by Penhaligons, I still love that scent but it's a little strong so I only wear it on special occasions or on a more daring day. My new daytime scent is J'adore by Dior. I can't stress to you how amazing this perfume is. There's no worry of being completely over-powered by the smell as it's very light and fresh. It's not a floral smell exactly, but imagine smelling a a Lily-Of-The-Valley mixed in with just that magic something, it's hard to explain but seriously...couldn't live without it! I wear this almost every day plus the bottle is exquisite glass with very elegant shape:

My night-time perfume is a gorgeous perfume that I've had for a long time. It's 'Cinéma' by Yves Saint Laurent. The smell is so individual, it's very musky and heavy so I recommend it in small spritzes. For some reason (probably the name..*blushes*) it reminds me of 1940's Paris, I feel so glamorous wearing it, it makes me feel confident and aaah it's just amazing! Anyways...here it is:

As you can see, the design is gorgeous, for the better-sighted of you see the amazing detail on the photo above. It has Yves Saint Laurent printed all over in gold letters, I'd buy it just for the prettiness of the bottle! You can probably tell that I've used this a lot as it has about half a centimetre left..*cryface* which is depressing me since I think it might be limited edition, but definitely check it out online/in store if you're interested! What are your day and night perfumes??

See you on the flip side,

Back To The Fuchsia x


  1. Yeah its lovely :) checked out ur blog, really like it! Forever 21 is my life :D follow me and I'll follow you right back xxx
