Saturday 14 January 2012

Hi there!

I'm not great at intros, so I'll go straight into it, But first a little history behind my name. 'Back To The Fuchsia' happens to be my favourite shade of Benefit lipgloss, if you don't know what I'm talking about them go check it out! You won't regret the glossy, kissable effect it gives you, and it also hydrates your lips as an added bonus!

Yesterday I went to Superdrug with one of my best friends. We were looking forward to browsing the makeup counters and maybe buying a couple of things. As usual, Hannah was restrained and sensible.

I, on the other hand went absolutely insane. I bought the following things, I'll review them for you and give them a rating out of five stars:

Barry M's 'wink' eyeliner marker: When I snagged this product I was super excited, I tend to get wobbly hand whenever I try to draw myself a nice 'cateye', so this seemed like an ideal product for me. when I used it, I was a little disappointed. I expected the product to be highly pigmented and preferably jet black. but the product came out as a faint grey. Although in Barry's defence, he made a damn good OUTliner for the liner I usually use: l'oreal's liquid liner in black; so no more wobbly line for me, but of course I can't give the product five stars due to the colour-let down, so I'll give it a generous **---. If you're interested in buying the product, it's about £4.95 and is sold in Superdrug stores nationwide. If you don't live in the UK I'm pretty sure Barry M products are sold in the US and anyone else can check out Superdrug online for shipping details. 

L'oreal's 'Volume Million Lashes' mascara in noir: This product was recommended to me by Hannah who will shortly be blogging so I'll talk about her in my next post. Hannah told me that this mascara was in her top three ever, so I decided to give it a try. At first use I immediately loved the length that the mascara gave me, the brush it slightly tilted to allow for easier use, and I didn't get the 'overloaded brush' problem due to the new 'anti-clump' wiper. The product glided easily and was reasonably priced at £7.99. I'll give it ****-. Available in most drugstores nationwide and USA.

Simple's 'eye make-up corrector pen': I get really bad panda eyes, morning and evening, like 'I just went 9 days without sleep' style. So this product was a must for me as Simple's products tend to be kind to skin (cheeky slogan copy there) and I have pretty sensitive under-eyes. So after I used my new L'oreal mascara I had a little residue under my lower lash-line. I used the product and was pretty happy with the results. I had some qualms with it though. Firstly, as soon as I used the pen it was stained with the black colour from my product. This annoyed me as it hindered the performance of the pen. But to the product's credit, on second glance I noticed that printed on the side was 'clean tip after use' bad. Poor Simple, I'll give it ***--. In my opinion a little over-priced at £4.00 but it was a good thing to try. Available in most drug-stores nationwide.

QVS' foundation and concealer soft nylon brush: I got given 'Dior Forever' foundation (£29.99 see online for details) for christmas, and I figured there's no point having a good foundation if you don't have a good brush. The brush worked really well and I was pleased with the smooth finish it achieved. A good buy at about £5.00. Definitely*****.

Before I go, check out , the loveliest girl and also my best friend, check out as well, also my best friend and a cutie ^_^ 

See you on the flip side,

Back To The Fuchsia x

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